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Sunday Sermon: November 25, 2018


Updated: Nov 30, 2018

Hampton NH Bible Preaching Church
1 Corinthians 1:23 - "But we preach Christ crucified..."

Title: A Not So Unusual Crew

Text: Mark 3:13-21

Proposition: Christ seeks to use you because of whom he created you to be.

Introduction: The word “disciple” comes from the Greek word (mathetes) that means “learners, students.” While the Twelve were with Jesus, that is exactly what they were. He was preparing them for their future assignment. There were many multitudes of disciples that followed after Jesus, but these twelve men were the ones who were unique.

In our text this morning, we are introduced to all the twelve together for the first time. We have been studying the life of Christ for over a year, and we now are introduced to them as a whole for the first time. From my understanding of the timeline, Jesus is about a year into his ministry. So this morning, I want to consider these 12 men.

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