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Sunday Bulletin: November 4, 2018


Here are the latest happenings at NESBC!!!

Hampton NH Baptist Church

Veterans Breakfast Thank you to all those who participated in our annual Veteran’s Breakfast. We saw more veterans attend this year than last year, and had a very positive testimony. Commander Bennet gives his deepest thanks to you all.

Joint Services: November 11 Since Veteran’s Day falls on a Sunday this year, we will be unable to meet at Post 35. Faith Baptist Church of Kittery has graciously invited us to join them for the day as well as celebrate our annual Thanksgiving Fellowship Dinner. Scott Button will be teaching Sunday School, Pastor Kauffman will preach in the morning Worship, and Pastor Tim will give an afternoon devotional after the singspiration. A lunch signup sheet is now available. Mark your calendars now!!!

Ask The Pastor Got questions? The Bible has answers! Our annual series will continue this week on Wednesday night. You still have time to submit questions in writing.

Defusing Drama: Choosing Peace Over Pandemonium A drama queen is a person (male or female) who either amplifies or creates unnecessary emotional upheaval as a coping mechanism resulting in a lack of self-control. If we are honest, we all fall into this trap at one time or another. Satan can use unnecessary drama to disrupt and even destroy individuals, families, and whole churches. Beginning November 18, Pastor Tim will begin a new discipleship series on Sunday afternoons at 1:15pm to help us all learn to grow in the spiritual fruit of self-control.

Vote on November 6th While we do not endorse any candidates, we do believe all Christians should be good stewards by voting. If you need any assistance getting to the polls, please see Pastor Tim. The Citizens Count NH Voter Guide is a nonpartisan app and website for voters seeking information.



Contact Us

© 2023 New England Shores Baptist Church

PO Box 1726 Hampton NH 03843

Meeting at American Legion Post 35 of the Hamptons

(69 High Street Hampton, NH 03842)

Think Biblical.

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