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Sunday Bulletin: February 17, 2019


Here are the latest happenings at NESBC!!!

Hampton NH Baptist Church

Creation Questions

Evolution…intelligent design…creation…or a little of all three? What do you really believe and why does it matter? Join us again on Wednesday evening as we continue our adventure answering questions biblically and logically about God’s marvelous creation. This week we will examine the evidence of a worldwide flood.

Defusing Drama: Choosing Peace Over Pandemonium

We will continue our series on self-control next week at 1:15. We will examine the dangers of gossip and how the Bible encourages believers to build others up rather than tear them down with spiteful words.

Missions Support

Almost two years ago, we pledged to support Nick and Lindsey Stelzig as missionary church planters to Boston for $200 per month. The collected support will expire at the end of March. Would you pray and personally consider supporting the Stelzigs on a monthly basis? The Lord can even use the widow’s mite.

Leadership Meeting

There will be no afternoon service today as the NESBC leadership will use the afternoon to pray over and plan ministry opportunities for 2019. Those in leadership should plan on having lunch and then the meeting in place of the normal afternoon class at 1:15.

Sacrifice Sunday

We will be announcing our goal and special project for Sacrifice Sunday next Sunday. As always, this special offering will be held on Easter Sunday, which falls on April 21 this year.

The Lord’s Supper

We will observe the Lord’s Supper today at the close of the service. A love offering will be held for those in need.


Contact Us

© 2023 New England Shores Baptist Church

PO Box 1726 Hampton NH 03843

Meeting at American Legion Post 35 of the Hamptons

(69 High Street Hampton, NH 03842)

Think Biblical.

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