Quote of the Day: Adoniram JudsonHAMPTONCHURCH.COMAug 7, 20171 min read“Let me beg you, not to rest contented with the commonplace religion that is now so prevalent.” ~ Adoniram Judson Quote of the Day is a ministry of New England Shores Baptist Church of Hampton, NH. #QuoteoftheDay #HamptonNHChurches #HamptonNHChurch #SeacoastNHChurch #DailyBibleTruth
“Let me beg you, not to rest contented with the commonplace religion that is now so prevalent.” ~ Adoniram Judson Quote of the Day is a ministry of New England Shores Baptist Church of Hampton, NH. #QuoteoftheDay #HamptonNHChurches #HamptonNHChurch #SeacoastNHChurch #DailyBibleTruth