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Easter Sunday Sermon: April 21, 2019


Hampton NH Bible Preaching Church
1 Corinthians 1:23 - "But we preach Christ crucified..."

Title: The Portrait of the Resurrected Christ

Text: Revelation 1:10-18

Proposition: The greatest portrait of Christ is viewed through the power of the resurrection.

Introduction: Revelation 1:10-18 gives us the most detailed portrait of Jesus after his resurrection and ascension. In verses 12-16, we see a symbolic description of the resurrected Lord, but I want to focus in on the portrait that Jesus paints of himself in verses 17-18. If there is one thing you need to know about Easter, it is this self-description of Jesus that he speaks on Revelation 1:17-18.



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PO Box 1726 Hampton NH 03843

Meeting at American Legion Post 35 of the Hamptons

(69 High Street Hampton, NH 03842)

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