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New England Shores Baptist Church is wholly committed to the spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ through a vibrant missions program. Because we are a small church, our current missions funding is limited. Our missions philosophy is to support 1) Church Planters; 2) Likeminded missionaries who can agree in our doctrinal, dispensational, non-KJV-Only position, and Biblical separation positions; and 3) Fewer missionaries for more money. 

Please be aware that we do not identify with the "King James Only" movement claiming the KJV is the only acceptable or inspired English translation. Any promises in the Bible of preservation are specifically made for Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek words, and we believe there are no verses promising a perfect English translation.


We also practice a closed missions philosophy at this time. We are not open to the solicitation of missions support or missionary speaking opportunities. We limit these opportunities to the acquaintances of the pastoral staff or vetted recommendations from our own church members. 


We are currently support: 

Nick and Lindsey Stelzig to plant Community Baptist Church of Lawrence, MA.

Dr. Mike of Vision 2020 Asia

Contact Us

© 2023 New England Shores Baptist Church

PO Box 1726 Hampton NH 03843

Meeting at American Legion Post 35 of the Hamptons

(69 High Street Hampton, NH 03842)

Think Biblical.

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