Meeting at American Legion Post 35 - 69 High Street Hampton, NH 03842 - Get Directions
WELCOME to New England Shores Baptist Church. We are a Bible-preaching church located in Hampton, NH. We are a close family of sinners saved by the grace of God who exist to do the work of God (Ephesians 4:11-12). We help individuals grow in Christ through the gospel, fellowship, and practical Bible teaching. We stand without apology for the Cross of Christ and the Fundamentals of the Faith. Please let us know how we can encourage you in your walk with Christ. Here is a brief overview:
We are independent of any convention or association.
We view the Bible as literal and authoritative.
We practice traditional, conservative worship with hymns and expository Bible preaching.
We are not Pentecostal or Charismatic.
We believe Israel and the Church are distinct, and recognize salvation has always been by grace through faith.
We believe Christ will Rapture the Church prior to the 7-year Tribulation.
We believe Christ's Second Coming is prior to His literal 1,000-year reign on earth.
We use the King James Version or New King James Version in public services, and reject the "King James Only Movement." We view Bible translation preference as a matter of individual soul liberty.

Who We Are
Our Beliefs
This is more important than our programs. Our lives and worship center around doctrine.
The Gospel
This page is a matter of life and death. Do you know Jesus as your personal Savior?
Our Core Values
This page describes why we do what we do.
Visit Us
This is what can you expect in one of our worship services.
Click here to listen to recent messages.
Meet our Pastor & Family
Current Teaching Series
The Doctrine of
the Holy Spirit
Sunday School
The Kings
of Israel
Sunday Worship
Psalm 19
Inductive Study
Old Testament
Sunday Discipleship
Wednesday Study
Our Pastor
The Lewis Family: Pastor Tim, Andee, Judson, & Reagan

Pastor Tim is a native New Englander born in Cambridge, Massachusetts who grew up in New Hampshire. He met Andee (a native of Montana) while attending Bible College. They were married in 2001, and Tim enrolled in seminary. Tim graduated in 2005 with a Masters of Biblical Studies and came back to New Hampshire to serve in a pastoral apprentice program.
While in this program, he became heavily burdened for the New Hampshire Seacoast because of its high population and the limited number of Bible-preaching churches. With the help of sister churches and Gospel Fellowship Association, New England Shores Baptist Church was planted. On July 12, 2010, the Lord blessed the Lewises with the birth of Judson. On November 25, 2014, the Lord blessed the Lewises with their second child, Reagan.
Pastor Tim's burden is to stay committed to preaching the Bible accurately by taking a literal, dispensational approach to the Scriptures. He is committed to expository preaching, the historical fundamentals of the faith, and being a shepherd (pastor) instead of a CEO.

Meeting At: American Legion Post 35
(69 High Street Hampton, NH 03842)
Mailing Address: PO Box 1726 Hampton, NH 03843
Tel: 603-892-0827